Coach Applications


Head Coaches


*I agree to the following terms of upon my appointment as a Head / Assistant coach for the Fairport Youth Football and Cheer Organization:

*I understand, subscribe to and will promote the goals of the Rochester Youth Football and Cheerleading (“RYFC”) program, which emphasize participation and             sportsmanship over competition and winning.

*I agree to abide by all rules set forth by the RYFC program as contained in its rulebook and any future rule it may establish by its governing body.

*I agree to abide by all additional rules set forth by the Fairport Raiders Youth Football and Cheerleading Executive Board of Directors.
I understand that I will be provided a copy of all rules in writing. I further understand and agree that in the event of a disagreement over any rule interpretation, the        decision of the Fairport Raiders Youth Football and Cheer Executive Board or its designee will be final and binding.

*I agree to submit to a confidential criminal background check. No member of the Board of the Fairport Raiders Youth Football and Cheer shall be violating
my privacy rights in any manner in requesting and obtaining this information and I hereby release all such parties from any liability whatsoever in connection
with such background check.

*I understand and agree that Head Coaches must be interviewed annually with the Board of Directors for their positions and the Fairport Raiders Youth Football
and Cheer Board of Directors must approve all nominees for assistant coaches.

*I understand and agree that the President of the Fairport Raiders Youth Football and Cheer or his /her designee may suspend me at any time if deemed
in the best interest of the program. This suspension will remain in effect until the matter precipitating the suspension is heard by the Fairport Raiders Youth
Football and Cheer Executive Board. A hearing by the Fairport Raiders Youth Football and Cheer Executive Board will be convened no longer than ten (10)
calendar days from the date of the suspension. I understand that I will be afforded due process guarantees during the hearing process.

*I understand and agree that I serve in my capacity as Head Coach at the pleasure of the Fairport Raiders Youth Football and Cheer Executive Board and my
services and position as Head Coach may be terminated at any time by a majority vote of the Fairport Raiders Youth Football and Cheer Board of Directors.

*As a Head Coach, I understand and agree that I am an important and valuable member of the Fairport Raiders Youth Football and Cheer Organization and I will             contribute to the goals of the program in a positive and responsible manner.

*I understand and agree that this contact is in effect for ONE season and must be renewed by the Board of Directors in the case of a Head Coach and by any Head        Coach in the case of Assistant Coach.

Click on the link BELOW and completely fill out your application then follow the instructions as listed below for your submission:


Fairport Raiders Youth Football & Cheer
Attn: President
PO Box 721
Fairport, NY 14450



Teen Coaches - Football

Welcome to Fairport Raiders Teen Coaching!

Thank you for your interest in joining the Fairport Raiders coaching staff. Teen Coaches play a vital role in the success of our squads, and this position provides you with the opportunity to share your cheerleading experiences and knowledge with various age groups while giving you the chance to learn new skills as a mentor and instructor. Here is some general information about what is involved and expected from our teen coaches. Requirements In order to apply for a teen coaching position with Fairport Raiders, the prospective Teen

Coach must:
• Be entering at least eighth grade for the current football season
• Have had at least one year of football experience at the youth league level
• Be in good academic standing from the prior school year
• Maintain good academic standing during the current cheerleading season
• Have a strong desire to instruct and mentor younger children

Fairport Raiders Football - Teen Coach Application


Please fill out the application in the link above and submit to :

Fairport Raiders Youth Football and Cheerleading
Attn: VP Football
PO Box 721
Fairport , NY 14450

or email application to:

Teen Coaches - Cheerleading

Welcome to Fairport Raiders Teen Coaching!

Thank you for your interest in joining the Fairport Raiders coaching staff. Teen Coaches play a vital role in the success of our squads, and this position provides you with the opportunity to share your cheerleading experiences and knowledge with various age groups while giving you the chance to learn new skills as a mentor and instructor. Here is some general information about what is involved and expected from our teen coaches. Requirements In order to apply for a teen coaching position with Fairport Raiders, the prospective Teen
Coach must:
• Be entering at least eighth grade for the current cheerleading season
• Have had at least one year of cheerleading experience at the youth league level
• Be in good academic standing from the prior school year
• Maintain good academic standing during the current cheerleading season
• Have a strong desire to instruct and mentor younger children

Assignment of Position

Your progression as a Teen Coach will be similar to your progression as a youth cheerleader. As a first year Teen Coach you will be assigned to the Flag Cheerleading Squad so that you will be able to assist the Flag Squad’s Head Coach in instructing the basic skills required for cheerleading. Annually teen coaches progress through each age group, so that in your junior or senior year of high school you will have the opportunity to coach at the A Squad level. Occasionally exceptions may be made to this progression, but it is important to both your growth as a coach, the growth of the cheerleaders on your squad, and to our organization that you have coaching experience at all age levels.

Your Role on Your Squad

Once you are assigned to a cheerleading squad, the primary person you will communicate with is your Head Coach. Your Head Coach will be an adult who has ultimate responsibility for the cheerleading squad. Your Head Coach will determine what the goals are for the season, what actions or duties will be required of you, what part or parts of the routine you will be creating, and any other responsibilities that you will have. It will be up to you to insure that you are working towards your Head Coach’s goals in support of the squad. While you will be reporting directly to the head coach: occasionally you will also be provided instructions by board members and assistant coaches. You are expected to follow instructions from all members of leadership. Insubordination is not tolerated and can result in removal from the team.

Expectation of Commitment

Applying for a Teen Coach position comes with the understanding that you are committing yourself and your personal time to participate as a member of the Raiders coaching staff. Accepting a position as a Teen Coach means understanding that your attendance at practices, football games, and other Packer’s events is required. Although it will be up to your Head Coach to ultimately determine the appropriate level of participation he or she will require, you should plan on a minimum of:

• Four hours of attendance at practices each week during August
• Two hours of attendance at practices each week during the school year
• A, B, and C Levels: Two home and one away football games
• Flag Level: Two Flag football games
• Any other event or meeting that is required by your Head Coach

Community Service Related Opportunities

Your volunteer involvement with the Fairport Raiders as a Teen Coach may qualify for community service obligations or service related projects you may have with your school, church, or other organization. Additionally Fairport Raiders offers scholarship awards for college. These are available by application in your senior year of high school.

How to Apply


Applying for a teen coaching position is simple. Fill out the application in the link above and submit it to the address listed below. Once your application is reviewed, you will meet for a brief interview. Your application should be submitted by January of the current year. If you have any questions, please email our group at anytime. Thank you for your interest, and we look forward to working with you this coming season.


Fairport Raiders Youth Football & Cheer
Vice President of Cheerleading

Submit your application:

Fairport Raiders Youth Football & Cheer
Attn: VP of Cheer
P.O. Box 721
Fairport, New York 14450

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Flag Football, Cheerleading & Tackle Football for the Fairport Raiders




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Contact Info

Fairport Raiders Athletic Association 
PO Box 721
Fairport, NY 14450