Athletes Paperwork
Every athlete prior to the first practice will need to hand in paperwork for Rochester Youth Football League Certification.
Please take the time now to get all required paperwork completed as follows:
Prior to starting please ready below the instructions on how to upload your athletes paperwork.
We recommend that you complete this on a computer (not a phone or tablet) for best results.
Log into the secure website below and create an account-
You will then get an email sent back to verify your account has been set up. Follow the link in the email to proceed if you would like to at that time.
Before completing this step we recommend that you have all required documents on your computer.
You can now go in and start adding your athletes’ one by one. If you have multiple athletes in different programs, you will add them separately. When setting them up, you will indicate which program they are in so we can keep all information accurate per team/program. Once they are set up, you can then EDIT each player to start uploading their documents.
If you do not have all documents at this time, you can go in at any time and add them to your account. It will keep track of what you have submitted with a check mark.
The 4 documents that are required, are as follows:
- Rochester Youth Football and Cheerleading Document - 2 pages (Filled out and signed by both athlete and parent) You can find this document on the new document website on the top of the page.
- Picture (Most recent school picture or head shot)
- Physical (The current years physical)
- Proof of Grade (Access your Schools Parent Square account for proof of your Athletes current school year – A screen shot of this will work or any other school document that you have received for the current school year that has athletes name/grade/school district they attended) NOTE: Birth Certificates are no longer required- Physicals Documents with Name and Date of Birth is now expected by RYFC.
All Tackle Football and Cheer athletes have until July 22nd to submit paperwork. Due to insurance purposes, if your athletes’ paperwork is not submitted by then, they will not be able to participate until all documents have been provided.
K-2 Flag and Advanced Flag athletes have until August 1st
*****Advanced Flag Football Athletes ONLY require to hand in current Physical Paper work.
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